Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Daddy, I miss your snoring!

Emerson is 1 month old now and I cannot believe how fast time has flown!  He is a joy of a baby.  Always clam and mellow.  He enjoys the chaos of our house and sleeps better in the middle of all the other babes playing and crying!  We are blessed to have him in our family.
The other kiddos never cease to amaze with their funny conversations and just plain silliness on a daily basis. for example, Dallin has been pretty vocal and with Mason being gone a lot, he talks up a storm when Daddy comes home.  Here is a few of the conversations Dallin has had with Mason:

Dallin: Daddy, I miss your spankings.  Mommy doesn't spank me as good.
Daddy: Do you want me to teach Mommy how to spank Dallin?
Dallin: No, that is okay Daddy!

Here is another funny statement from Dallin:
As Mason was putting them to bed the other night, Dallin told Mason, "Daddy sleep with me for a little bit, I miss your snoring!"

Never a dull moment in this house and I have to remind myself that these moments are precious and will disappear fast.  Mason called me the other day to say that he was listening to a program on the radio and a woman came on the line who was talking about her six kids ages 12 to 35 years old.  Mason made the comment that he would much rather have our situation where we have 5 kids 4 years old and under than hers because ours will be going through the same stages all at one time.  I don't know if I agree with that, I guess it just depends on the stage!  Even thinking of 5 teenagers at one time is extremely overwhelming!

1 comment:

*S* said...

I love the kid conversations. Post more of those! They are my favorite.