Monday, January 24, 2011

"I am going to work"

I haven't wanted to be a slacker in the posting department, but until today my camera chip hasn't wanted to work in my computer.
Here are some recent pics of the babes.

Clara got her ears pierced a few weeks ago and since I have to clean them 2-3 times a day she has started recognizing when I am going to clean them and looks at me while covering her ears saying, "I'm okay!"

Dallin and Clara discovered that Mason had left his work vest at home the other day and proceeded to take turns wearing it with their work hats.

Dallin is everywhere these days and has to do whatever I am doing whether it be dishes, vacuuming, dusting, etc. We love his help, but it does take 50% longer to complete tasks with his help!

Clara has decided that her normal uniform for the day includes any clothes I put on her, a tutu and her hard hat. When I ask where she is going to replies with an English accent, "to work!"


Teacher Mama said...

Tutu and hard hat. That is my kind of girl!

*S* said...

I love the earrings and the tutu and the hard hat! The babes are too cute. Thank you for the new pictures.

Karebear said...

They are so cute. Isn't it so weird when they start talking.