Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Getting big!

Well, it is official. My babies are standing by themselves and trying really hard to walk. They are not quite 11 months yet, so as a new mother of twins, I have been telling them to sit down and crawl! I am not ready to chase the babies around the house or am I ready to move everything up another foot. I just got finished baby proofing a couple of days ago and I will have to start over again! Here are some cute pics taken this morning.


Teacher Mama said...

I was so glad when Logan started walking because he weighed 100 lbs. My back was breaking. You don't have that problem... well, I guess you do. Your children combined weighed as much as Logan did at their age.

They look darling!

Karebear said...

You do have some adorable kids. Good luck with the walking thing.